Lunch and learn

In addition to our ISO certification services, we at NPT Management Systems also provide occasional training for businesses who want to gain a stronger understanding of ISO 9001 and quality management in general.

We recently conducted a 'Lunch & Learn' training session for a client here in the South of England. We were invited to go in and educate the company's employees about Quality Management & ISO 9001 - the company supplied the pizza, and more than 50 employees took part, making this the largest training session we have delivered to date.

NPT Management Systems provided a mixture of slides and interactive exercises that were designed to give those present a firm grasp of the subject matter. All of these learning materials were specifically tailored to the company.

If you would like to set up a quality management training session for your organisation, please call NPT Management Systems on 02380 659 867 to discuss your requirements.

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Pre Qualification Questionnaires


As part of a supplier section or tendering process, you may be required to complete a set of pre-qualification questionnaires. These can be time consuming and often appear complex due to the terminology used and the evidence that you're required to submit.

But don't worry - NPT Management Systems are on hand to help. We are experienced at completing PQQs, and can work with you to fill in your pre-qualification questionnaires quickly and efficiently!

Although it's not something we tend to advertise on our website, we are more than happy to help you complete the necessary paperwork. Just give us a call on 02380 659 867 or send your enquiry to today.

If you are yet to begin your journey towards ISO 9001 certification, it's never too late to start! Click the button below to find out how NPT Management Systems can help you to get certified.

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Spiral Weld

Based in Southampton, SpiralWeld Ltd provide specialist engineering services for a variety of different industries (including the energy, marine, chemical and defence sectors).

Last year, we at NPT Management Systems helped the SpiralWeld team to simplify their quality management system and transition to ISO 9001:2015 in a timely manner. More recently, we came to SpiralWeld's assistance again, helping them to successfully pass a surveillance audit - a crucial part of preserving your organisation's ISO-accredited status once the ISO 9001 certification has been achieved.

Here's what SpiralWeld's MD had to say about the assistance we've been providing:

"We at SpiralWeld Ltd were very impressed by the competence of NPT's friendly and supportive service. Everything required was completed in good time and to an excellent standard. We will be pleased to work with Neil at NPT for our future support needs."

- Greg Lindsell, Managing Director

If we can help with your organisation's ISO 9001 certification requirements, please don't hesitate to contact NPT Management Systems today.

Anchor Systems (International) Ltd based in West Sussex, England, is a company that supplies high-quality ground anchoring systems throughout the UK and many countries across Europe. Back in 2007, Anchor Systems implemented a Quality Management System (QMS) to help them achieve their business objectives but realised that it needed improvement, so they contacted us in 2015 to help. 

We assisted in the design and implementation of a new, easier-to-follow QMS that would make completing day-to-day operations more efficient and effective. We were pleased to see Anchor System's achieve the goal that they set out and was confident that they would become a more successful company as a result. 

However, as we helped improve their QMS in 2015, it was time for a surveillance audit to assess whether Anchor Systems were implementing the updated QMS. We are proud to announce that Anchor Systems passed their audit and have been recommended for ISO 9001:2015 re-certification, allowing them to continue their great work in providing exceptional products and services across the world as well as a creating a functional workplace environment. 

This is yet another successful milestone in our relationship with Anchor Systems, which can hopefully continue to grow. 

If you require any assistance with a quality management system or with achieving ISO 9001 certification, please do not hesitate to contact NPT Management Systems today.


ISO 9001, managed by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO), is an international standard that organisations and businesses follow when implementing a QMS (quality management system). As such, it is able to be utilised by any service or manufacturing company in any industry sector. AS9100, however, is designed for exclusive use by defence, aviation and space organisations, often known as the aerospace industry and is managed by the International Aerospace Quality Group (IACG) and the Aerospace Department of SAE International. So, what does the AS9100 standard consist of that makes it different from ISO 9001? Let's find out! 

AS9100 Structure 

The structure of the AS9100 standard has been built on the foundations created by the ISO 9001 standard, as this has become the fundamental requirement for implementing a QMS for many organisations around the globe. The AS9100 standard takes the same requirements found in ISO 9001 and simply adds additional notes throughout. As a result, it would be feasible to implement a QMS that is compliant with ISO 9001, with the implementation of these additional requirements that apply only to a smaller division of your company that engages with the aerospace industry. 

AS9100 Additional Requirements 

One of the major additions that the AS9100 standard focuses on is in the requirements for 'planning for product realisation', which includes a greater emphasis on risk and product management, control of work transfers, and configuration management of products. Risk identification and assessment are seen as essential components within the aerospace community, therefore these are carried throughout each requirement of the standard.

Another addition occurs in the 'design and development' section of the standard. Additional prescriptive requirements for testing and documentation are included as well as instructions for design validation and verification. This section of design changes is linked back to the added section on configuration management. 

The largest amount of change occurs in the 'product and service provision' section of the standard, which sees the biggest difference in implementation from industry to industry. A number of important requirements involve control of changes to production processes, support after delivery and specific product preservation methods such as shelf life control, which are common within the aerospace industry.

Application of AS9100

These are just a number of the many additional requirements that AS9100 adds to the IS0 9001 standard for the specific use within the aerospace industry. As a result, these added requirements have little application outside of the industry. If you have parts of your company that are related to this industry or are thinking about adding departments which focus on the aerospace industry, taking the time to look into the possibility of adding the specialised requirements may be of some benefit and a good first step. 

If you require any assistance with a quality management system or with achieving ISO 9001 certification, please do not hesitate to contact NPT Management Systems today.

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